JJ Hats

Launched April 2024, this is a new standard.

Exclusively at JJ Hat Center in-store

Designed by the best headwear professionals

Made to highest European standards

100+ years of experience go into the collection.

We are aiming to make JJ Hats the best premium,
high quality headwear in the market

Hat Size Guide

How Do I Find the Right Hat Size?

At JJ Hat Center, finding your perfect hat size is simple. Measuring your head circumference is the first step:

Our sizing guide will help you find the correct hat size based on your head circumference: 


How do I measure my glove size?

Your glove size is measured with a flexible measuring tape. Measure around your dominant hand at the broadest point, excluding the thumb. Below you find an overview of the different sizes for women and men.


cm 15,5 16 16,5 17 18 19 20,5 22 23 24 26 27
Size 4,5 5 5,5 6 6,5 7 7,5 8 8,5 9 9,5 10
Women XS XS S S M M L L XL XL - -
Men - - - - - S S M M L L XL

Contact Us

If you are unable to find the answers you need, please contact us: service@jjhatcenter.com